Viet La Bo がホーチミン市工科大学建築工学部で奨学金を授与
Viet La Bo は、ホーチミン市工科大学の建築工学部に新学期のご挨拶を申し上げます。若く有望な建築技術者の育成における学部のたゆまぬ努力を心から感謝し、高く評価しております。
学業優秀者を奨励し、その素晴らしい業績を認めるために、Viet La Bo は建築工学部の優秀な学生に2つの奨学金を授与できることを光栄に思います。この意義ある取り組みは、次世代の建築技術者の育成を支援するために、私たちが実施したいと考えている活動の一つです。
Viet La Bo とホーチミン市工科大学建築工学部との協力がさらに発展し、教育と研修の分野に貴重な貢献をもたらすことを願っています。建築工学部とホーチミン市工科大学が今後もますます成功し、発展し続けることをお祈り申し上げます。
Classification of Supplements and Health Foods in Vietnam
Accurately classifying dietary supplements and health protection foods (also known as functional foods) is crucial, especially when importing into Vietnam. Incorrect classification can lead to products being denied import permits by regulatory authorities, causing significant losses for businesses. Below is a guide to classification based on clear legal grounds according to Vietnamese law.
1. Definitions and Classification
Dietary Supplements: According to Circular 43/2014/TT-BYT dated November 24, 2014, of the Ministry of Health, dietary supplements are food products that are supplemented with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, or other substances to provide additional nutrients that the body needs. They are designed to supplement the daily diet, improve nutritional status, or prevent nutritional deficiencies.
Health Protection Foods (Functional Foods): Health protection foods are food products that have the function of supporting the functions of body parts, creating comfort for the body, increasing resistance, and reducing the risk of disease. According to Circular 43/2014/TT-BYT, health protection foods include:
- Health protection foods
- Medical nutritional foods
- Foods for special dietary uses
2. Legal Basis
Vietnamese law clearly regulates the production, business, and advertising of dietary supplements and health protection foods through the following legal documents:
- Law on Food Safety 2010: Establishes general principles and requirements for food safety, including dietary supplements and health protection foods.
- Decree 15/2018/ND-CP: Details the implementation of several articles of the Law on Food Safety, including the registration of product declarations and conditions for production and business.
- Circular 43/2014/TT-BYT: Regulates the management of functional foods, including definitions, classification, quality and safety requirements, labeling, and advertising of products.
3. Specific Differences
Purpose of Use:
- Dietary Supplements: Used to supplement essential nutrients that the body does not get enough of from the daily diet.
- Health Protection Foods: Have the function of supporting and improving body functions, enhancing health, and preventing diseases.
Product Declaration Requirements:
- Dietary Supplements: Must declare compliance with food safety regulations before being marketed.
- Health Protection Foods: In addition to declaring compliance with food safety regulations, must also prove the functional benefits of the product through scientific research.
Labeling Requirements:
- Dietary Supplements: Must clearly state nutritional components and usage dosage.
- Health Protection Foods: In addition to nutritional components and dosage, must clearly state the benefits, target users, and usage warnings.
4. Current Misclassification Issues and Consequences
Many companies today still face difficulties in accurately classifying their products, leading to the denial of import permits by Vietnamese authorities. Common mistakes include:
- Misclassifying health protection foods as dietary supplements due to a lack of understanding of legal regulations.
- Failing to provide sufficient scientific evidence to prove the benefits of health protection foods.
- Incorrect labeling, leading to misunderstandings about the product’s benefits and purpose.
5. Solutions
To avoid these issues, companies need to:
- Thoroughly research the legal regulations related to dietary supplements and health protection foods in Vietnam.
- Ensure to provide sufficient scientific evidence to prove the benefits of health protection food products.
- Strictly adhere to the regulations on product labeling and advertising.
Accurately classifying dietary supplements and health protection foods not only helps businesses comply with legal regulations but also builds consumer trust. Companies need to pay more attention to understanding legal regulations to avoid unnecessary risks during the import and business processes in Vietnam.
- Law on Food Safety 2010
- Decree 15/2018/ND-CP
- Circular 43/2014/TT-BYT
We hope this article provides you with the necessary information to better understand the classification of dietary supplements and health protection foods according to Vietnamese law.
Vietnam Work Permit for Foreigners 2024
As part of Vietnam’s commitment to streamline foreign employment and ensure legal work practices, significant updates to the work permit system will be implemented from January 1, 2024. These changes are guided by the Labor Code 45/2019/QH14, effective from January 1, 2021, alongside amendments from Decrees 152/2020/ND-CP and 70/2023/ND-CP, and Circular 23/2017/TT-BLDTBXH.
To enhance transparency and fairness in employment practices, announcements for positions intended for foreign workers must now be posted on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs or local Employment Service Centers. These postings should be made at least 15 days before the anticipated hiring date, followed by an explanatory report to the relevant authorities detailing the necessity for foreign labor.
Legal Framework
The legal basis for issuing work permits to foreign nationals is grounded in:
- Labor Code: Stipulates the basic criteria for foreign employees, including age, qualifications, health standards, and legal clearance.
- Decrees on Foreign Workers: Outline specific procedures and requirements for the employment of foreign nationals and the roles of Vietnamese employees within foreign-owned enterprises.
- Circular on Online Work Permit Issuance: Provides guidelines for the digital processing of work permits.
Application Process for Vietnam Work Permits
Employers seeking to hire foreign staff must follow these structured steps:
- Post Job Vacancy: Information about the job must be displayed on designated employment websites such as the Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi Employment Service Centers.
- Submit Employment Report: Employer must prepare and submit a detailed report on a need for foreign labor to the Ministry or Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs or local Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs at least 15 days before they start employing foreign workers. This report must clearly explain the reasons for hiring foreign workers and provide updates on the recruitment posting.
- Work Permit Application:
- Application Form: Includes a request for a work permit, health certification, and police clearance.
- Supporting Documents: Proof of qualifications and experience, recent photographs, a valid passport, and other relevant documents as required.
- Submission: The completed application should be submitted at least 15 days before the commencement of employment.
Issuance and Validity
Work permits will be processed and issued within five working days upon receipt of a complete application, with the term of the permit being subject to the specifics of the job but not exceeding two years. Should an application be denied, a detailed written explanation will be provided by the authorities.
These regulations ensure a controlled yet flexible system for employing foreign nationals in Vietnam, aligning with international standards and local workforce needs. For further details or to initiate the application process, businesses and foreign workers are advised to consult with legal experts specializing in Vietnam’s employment laws.
翻訳 - 通訳
- ウェブサイト翻訳:デジタルプレゼンスを変革し、すべてのタブ、製品説明、および企業プロファイルが地元の文化と言語のニュアンスに響き渡るように、ウェブサイトをベトナムの観客にアクセス可能にします。
- 技術文書:ユーザーマニュアルから製品仕様まで、私たちの翻訳は技術的な正確さと読みやすさを保証し、複雑な情報を誰にでも理解できるようにします。
- マーケティング資料:完璧に翻訳されたパンフレット、チラシ、およびプロモーションコンテンツで、元の説得力と情報のトーンを維持しながら、対象の人々を魅了します。
- 法的文書:契約、合意事項、および法的文書を機密保持と正確な法的用語で処理するために、私たちの専門家を信頼してください。
- ビジネスマッチング:通訳サービスでネットワーキングの機会を高め、潜在的な日本のビジネスパートナーとの明確で効果的なコミュニケーションを確保します。
- 専門的インタビュー:建設、IT、電気、機械、およびホスピタリティ産業などの特定の分野におけるセクター固有の対話のために、通訳が正確な翻訳を提供することを知って自信を持ってインタビューを行います。
- 業界専門知識:翻訳者および通訳者は言語の専門家であるだけでなく、それぞれの分野において広範な知識を持っています。
- 文化への理解: 私たちは、各翻訳と通訳が文化的な文脈に適切で正確であることを保証するために、文化的特性を理解し尊重することに特に重点を置いています。
- 機密性:文書や議論は私たちと一緒に安全です。お客様の情報を保護するために、厳密な機密保持契約を遵守しています。
Engineer In Japan: Recruitment for Electrical & HVAC Engineering
The “Engineer in Japan” program opens special recruitment opportunities for talented engineers in the fields of Electrical & HVAC Engineering, aiming to showcase their abilities and develop their careers in Hokkaido and Shimane – areas renowned for their professional and innovative work environments. Joining this program, you will not only gain experience working with leading companies but also receive full support and attractive benefits.
We’re looking for outstanding talents for Engineer In Japan Program as the following positions:
1. Electrical Design Engineer & Site Supervisor – Hokkaido
2. Electrical Site Supervisor for Public Works – Shimane
3. HVAC Site Supervisor for Public Works – Shimane
Attractive benefits include:
- Full support for flight expenses and residency status.
- Competitive salary starting from 40,000,000 VND/month, along with overtime allowances, travel allowances, family allowances, and other applicable allowances.
- Guaranteed convenient transportation with all expenses covered by the company.
- Comprehensive insurance as per Japanese labor laws.
- Submit your Vietnamese CV via email to
- Interview with Vietlabo (in Vietnamese)
- Direct interview with the Company Director
- Participate in a Japanese language course from beginner to N3 level in 6 months
- Sign the contract and prepare documents for the Certificate of Eligibility (COE)
- 出国
- Attend a 1-week training in Tokyo
- Start working in Japan
We are looking for candidates with a spirit of learning, creativity, and a desire to grow. Join our team to maximize your potential in the field of Electrical & HVAC Engineering in Japan.
For more information and consultation, please contact the hotline at +84 96 212 0303 (Ms. Hoài).
Vietnam’s Import and Export Tariff Schedule 2024
In 2024, Vietnam’s trade landscape will be guided by the updated Import and Export Tariff Schedule, as outlined in Decree 26/2023/ND-CP. This schedule includes HS codes for goods, detailed descriptions, and applicable export tax rates for various product groups. Here, we provide an easy-to-access overview to download the complete and accurate 2024 Tariff Schedule.
1. Download the Import and Export Tariff Schedule 2024
2. Explanation of Symbols
When reviewing the tax schedule, items marked with () in the VAT column are not subject to Value Added Tax.
⇒ Symbol (5) in the tax schedule column implies a VAT rate of 5% at import, production, or commercial stages. For instance, enterprises and cooperatives selling processed natural rubber to businesses and cooperatives in the trading stage are subject to a 5% VAT rate.
=> Symbol (,5) in the VAT schedule column means no VAT at self-production or fishing stages, and a 5% VAT rate at the commercial stage, except as specified in point b of paragraph 3, Article 4 of Circular 83/2014/TT-BTC.
⇒ Symbol (,10) in the VAT schedule column for gold imports in bars or unprocessed forms (group 71.08) indicates no VAT at the import stage but a 10% VAT rate at production, processing, or commercial stages.
⇒ Symbol () in the special preferential import tax column indicates goods not eligible for special preferential tax rates.
3. Tax Tariff Schedules for 2024 related to Export and Import Goods
- Normal and preferential import tax schedules;
- CPTPP preferential export tax, EVFTA preferential export tax, UKVFTA preferential export tax;
- VAT Schedule (updated as per Decree 94/2023/NĐ-CP);
- Excise Tax, Environmental Protection Tax Schedules.
This comprehensive guide provides an essential resource for understanding Vietnam’s trade regulations and navigating the complexities of global commerce in 2024.
Import Procedures for Kitchenware into Vietnam
Kitchenware includes a variety of items such as pots, pans, hangers, kitchen cabinet racks, spice jars, knives, chopsticks, plates, bowls, cutting boards, lemon squeezers, towels, cleaning gloves, rice containers, bowls, basins, baskets, etc.
- 食品と直接接触するアイテムの手続き、例えばナイフ、はさみ、皿、箸、ボウル、鍋、フライパン、皿、スプーン、グラス、カップ、木製クリップ、金属クリップ、卵泡立て器、フォークなど。
- 食品と直接接触しないアイテムの手続き:皿立て、スパイスジャーラック、手袋、鍋敷き、タオル、米びつなど。
1. 台所用品の輸入政策
- 食品安全法55/2010/QH12、2010年6月17日
- QCVN 12-1:2011/BYT
- 法令15/2018/NĐ-CP、2018年2月2日
- 法令155/2018/NĐ-CP、2018年11月12日
- 法令69/2018/NĐ-CP、2018年5月15日
- 通達12/2018/TT-BCT、2018年6月15日
- 通達38/2015/TT-BTC、2015年3月25日;改正補充39/2018/TT-BTC、2018年4月20日
- 通報1267/TCHQ-GSQL、2018年3月9日
- 通報1850/ATTP-VP、2020年8月12日
2. 輸入品のラベル貼り
2.1 商品ラベルの内容
Besides the requirement to label, the content is also crucial. The label content for items is regulated in Decree No. 43/2017/NĐ-CP. For kitchenware, a complete label should include the following information:
- 商品名;
- 成分;
- 技術仕様;
- 製造日;
- 使用方法;
- 警告情報(ある場合);
- 商品の原産地;
- 輸出者/製造者の情報(住所、会社名);
- 輸入者の情報(住所、会社名)。
2.2 商品にラベルを貼る位置
2.3 輸入商品にラベルを貼らないリスク
- 法令128/2020/NĐ-CPの第22条に定められている罰金;
- 原産地証明書が否認されるため、優遇輸入税率を享受できない;
- 取扱いや輸送のための警告ラベルがないため、商品が紛失または損傷するリスク。 Vietlaboは、商品に正しくラベルを貼ることを推奨します。ベトナムのラベル規制について不明な点がある場合は、弊社のホットラインまたはメールで相談してください。
3. 台所用品の輸入に必要な書類
- 関税申告書
- 商業契約(Sale contract)
- 商業請求書
- 荷造りリスト。
- 輸送状(Bill of lading)
- 食品安全宣言(ATTP)または食品安全の自己宣言(結果)
- 原産地証明書 - CO(該当する場合)
- カタログ(該当する場合)... および税関が要求するその他の書類。
4. 台所用品の輸入における重要な注意点
- 食品と直接接触する商品は食品安全の自己宣言が必要です。
- 輸入者は税務上の義務を果たす必要があり、商品が通関される前にこれを完了する必要があります。
- 保管やコンテナの滞留を避けるため、輸入前に自己宣言を準備することが推奨されます。
- 通告番号1850 ATTP-VP、2020年8月12日付けによると、食品安全宣言が免除される9つのケースがあります。
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Vietnam’s 2024 Update: New Food Label Nutritional Regulations
ベトナム保健省は最近、食品の栄養表示に関する新しい規制を通告29/2023/TT-BYTにより発表しました。 29/2023/TT-BYT。この重要な規則は2024年2月15日から施行され、ベトナムで製造、販売、輸入、または流通されるすべての食品に対して、新しい栄養表示方法の適用を要求しています。
- 飲料、砂糖を添加した乳製品、その他の砂糖添加食品は、総糖質量を含める必要があります。
- 揚げ物によって調理された食品は、その飽和脂肪含有量を公開する必要があります。
- この通達の付録Iに設定された閾値以下の栄養成分を含む食品は、それらの成分をラベルに含める必要はありません。
- 2025年12月31日までに、関連するすべての団体はこれらの栄養表示基準に準拠する必要があります。
- 2026年1月1日から、これらの規則に違反するラベルの製造、印刷、輸入、使用は禁止されます。
通達 29/2023/TT-BYT ベトナムにおける公衆衛生の向上と栄養に関する意識の高揚において重要なステップを表しています。
Addressing Challenges in Cosmetic Import Procedures in Vietnam
The latest challenges in Vietnam’s cosmetic import procedures due to ongoing issues with the Ministry of Health’s declaration system.